A very great danger looming
"Yet unknown to the general public a very great danger is looming, the
like of which has not threatened the world since the collapse of the
Western half of the Roman Empire more than fifteen hundred years ago.
This danger, should it materialize, would mark the end of our
civilization and the beginning of a new Dark Age. I am talking about a
threat of the sudden and complete collapse of world trade.
Academia ostensibly avoids researching the gold basis, pretending that it has as much bearing on the world economy as the basis for frozen pork bellies. The public is kept in total ignorance. Yet you can ignore the gold basis only at your own peril. It is the only indicator available showing the progressive deterioration of the fiat money system. As is well known, there has never been a successful experiment with fiat currency in all history. Nor was it for lack of trying. Every such experiment was either abandoned as enlightened governments decided to return the currency to a metallic basis, or it ended in utter fiasco causing tremendous economic pain to people as the fiat currency was rapidly losing all its purchasing power."
Antal E. Fekete (emphasis added)
The world's inflation problems (grossly understated by governments) are a result of its faulty economic systems. Sooner or later the world will have to get rid of its fiat currencies (printed paper money backed by nothing) and return to currencies backed by gold.
Very interesting article below.
Academia ostensibly avoids researching the gold basis, pretending that it has as much bearing on the world economy as the basis for frozen pork bellies. The public is kept in total ignorance. Yet you can ignore the gold basis only at your own peril. It is the only indicator available showing the progressive deterioration of the fiat money system. As is well known, there has never been a successful experiment with fiat currency in all history. Nor was it for lack of trying. Every such experiment was either abandoned as enlightened governments decided to return the currency to a metallic basis, or it ended in utter fiasco causing tremendous economic pain to people as the fiat currency was rapidly losing all its purchasing power."
Antal E. Fekete (emphasis added)
The world's inflation problems (grossly understated by governments) are a result of its faulty economic systems. Sooner or later the world will have to get rid of its fiat currencies (printed paper money backed by nothing) and return to currencies backed by gold.
Very interesting article below.
Antal E. Fekete
New Austrian School of Economics
Germany is neither independent nor sovereign, prevailing pretences
notwithstanding. It has American troops on her soil for reasons
unexplained and unexplainable after all Soviet occupying troops were
withdrawn almost 25 years ago. Equally significant is the fact that the
lion’s share of the German gold reserve is in American custody. If the
Bundesbank asked for the repatriation of a token part of that gold over a
long period of time, we may take it for granted that it was done on
American instructions.
But why would the Americans ask the Bundesbank to request the return of
a part of German gold from the ‘safety’ of the basement of the Federal
Reserve Bank of New York in lower Manhattan? Surely not because the
vaults are bulging with American gold and they have to make room for
It’s all grand theater. There is a hidden agenda that has to be
camouflaged. The best way of doing it is to put up a show. The public is
fascinated by images of shuffling central bank gold.
One reason, perhaps the chief reason for this exercise is that the
managers of the global fiat money system are preparing for the coming
showdown, the final curtain on what some years ago I dubbed The Last Contango in Washington.
In other words, policymakers are preparing for (or trying to fend off)
permanent backwardation in the world’s gold futures markets that is
threatening to rip apart the present shabby make-belief payments system
of the world.
Contango is the normal condition of the gold futures markets when the
spot price of gold is at a discount relative to the price of futures
contracts. It demonstrates that plenty of gold is available to satisfy
present demand. People are confident that promises to deliver gold will
be honored. The condition opposite to contango is called backwardation
that obtains when the futures price loses its premium relative to the
spot price and goes to a discount. In the gold market this condition is
highly anomalous because, on the face of it, it allows traders to earn
risk free profits. They sell spot gold at a premium, and buy it back at a
discount for future delivery. However, risk free profits are ephemeral
since the very action of traders will instantaneously eliminate them.
What this suggests is that permanent backwardation in gold could never
happen by the very nature of the case.
Yet unknown to the general public a very great danger is looming, the
like of which has not threatened the world since the collapse of the
Western half of the Roman Empire more than fifteen hundred years ago.
This danger, should it materialize, would mark the end of our
civilization and the beginning of a new Dark Age. I am talking about a
threat of the sudden and complete collapse of world trade. It would be
heralded by permanent gold backwardation, something that allegedly could
never happen. Hard on its heels would follow the collapse of the dollar
payments system. Barter, of course, would take place between
neighboring countries, but world trade as we know it would disappear
The metric whereby the turning of contango into backwardation can be measured is called the gold basis.
It is the premium on the price of gold for future delivery as per the
nearby contract relative to the spot price. Thus negative gold basis is
tantamount to backwardation. We have scarcely a forty-year history for
the gold basis to go by, because there was no organized futures trading
for gold before America defaulted on her international gold obligations
on August 15, 1971.
Futures trading started out with a robust gold basis. Contango was at
its peak. The gold basis cannot be higher than the full carrying charge
(also known as the opportunity cost of holding gold, the major component
of which is interest). But soon enough the gold basis started eroding,
and erosion has continued to this day. This was an ominous process that
was ignored by all politicians, economists and financial journalists.
The vanishing of the gold basis is all the more curious since it has
been taking place against the background of a steady advance in the gold
price. Textbook economics teaches that an advance in price always and
everywhere calls out new supplies. However, textbook economics is
helpless when it comes to gold. For gold the exact opposite is true: an
advance in price makes supply contract; and a very large advance may
make supply disappear altogether. The reason for this paradox is that
gold is a monetary metal. All the bad-mouthing of gold by economists in
the pay of governments won’t change that fact. By now the decay has gone
so far that the gold basis is practically zero, with occasional dips
into negative territory.
Academia ostensibly avoids researching the gold basis, pretending that
it has as much bearing on the world economy as the basis for frozen pork
bellies. The public is kept in total ignorance. Yet you can ignore the
gold basis only at your own peril. It is the only indicator available
showing the progressive deterioration of the fiat money system. As is
well known, there has never been a successful experiment with fiat
currency in all history. Nor was it for lack of trying. Every such
experiment was either abandoned as enlightened governments decided to
return the currency to a metallic basis, or it ended in utter fiasco
causing tremendous economic pain to people as the fiat currency was
rapidly losing all its purchasing power.
The relentless contraction of the gold basis means that gold available
for future delivery is fast disappearing. Gold is constantly moving into
strong hands that hold on to it and will not relinquish it even in the
face of steeply rising prices. Eventually the gold supply dries up and
sporadic backwardation gives way to permanent backwardation. Gold mines
refuse to take paper money for their product. If you want to have gold,
you will have to have recourse to barter.
Permanent backwardation means that confidence in fiat paper currency
and government promises to pay has evaporated. After all, considering
their origin, irredeemable bank notes are nothing but dishonored
promises to pay gold. Once confidence is shattered, all the king’s
horses and all the king’s men cannot put Humpty Dumpty together again.
Permanent backwardation is like a black hole. There is no way out of it.
Not even a light ray can escape from its clutches. That’s how black
holes earn their name. ‘Permanent backwardation’ is not as suggestive as
the name ‘black hole’, but it can gobble up the world economy
The gold basis is akin to the efficiency of bribe money. At first the
bribe is taken with no questions asked. But as it becomes a regular
feature of gold trading, effectiveness is lost. In the end the bribe is
refused when it is realized that the objective is to cheat the holder
out of his possession of gold. A trading system built on bribe is a
house of cards. It is dishonest. It depends on deception and
This brings me back to the German gold reserve. As sporadic
backwardation in gold becomes ever more frequent, the gentlemen in
charge of running the world’s fiat money system get alarmed. The only
way to pacify the market is to release more and more central bank gold. Physical gold.
The beast must be fed. Paper gold will not do (although, of course,
these gentlemen will keep trying to flood the market with it).
Releasing American gold to the futures market directly from the Fed is
out of the question. It would confirm the suspicion, already rampant,
that the dollar is a colossus of clay feet standing in knee-deep water.
So let the client states of America do the releasing. The Germans have a
reputation of favoring hard currency. They are reluctant to join the
currencies’ ‘race to the bottom’. Germany is the natural choice to feed
the gold futures markets in an effort to protect the dollar against the
last assault that is shaping up.
For a long time America has been twisting the arm of other countries,
including the U.K. and Switzerland, making them sell hundreds of tons of
central bank gold, while America was not selling one ounce. “Do as I
say, not as I do!” During all this time Germany was not selling either.
The appearance was maintained that this decision was made in Germany. It
wasn’t; rather, it has the mark “made in U.S.A.” German gold is the
last defense of the dollar. By now practically all central banks ignore
the siren song from America. From sellers they have become buyers of
gold. According to the American master plan Germany is the last fort of
the crumbling global fiat money system. Germany will not defect: that is
the purpose of keeping American troops on German soil. Germany will
dutifully do the job of feeding the futures market with gold in an
effort to fend off permanent backwardation. The repatriation of a part
of the German gold reserve is a trial balloon. If markets get scared and
panic selling occurs before the Bundesbank starts selling, so much the
better. But if false-carding fails and the world-wide march of gold into
private hoards continues unabated, then let the Bundesbank, not the
Fed, bleed gold. America’s gold must be spared at all hazards.
On such tricks and deception is the international monetary system grounded.
* * *
then, is the solution? How can sudden death in world trade be averted?
Fortunately, there are still upright politicians around. Godfrey Bloom
of the European Parliament, MP for Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire
ridings in the U.K. suggests thatGermany should repatriate ALL of its gold and reinstate a golden deutsche mark.
The underlying cause of the world financial crisis is runaway debt. Gold is the onlyultimate extinguisher
of debt. Since its expulsion from the international monetary system
total debt in the world can only grow, never contract. To stop the
cancerous growth of debt gold must be reinstated in its former position
as the guardian of the quality of debt.
If, defying American wishes, Germany took the initiative in creating a
gold mark and opening the German Mint to gold where all comers could
convert their gold ingots into gold coin, the course of world history
would be changed. It would be Germany’s finest hour. Civilization
will have been saved and the onset of a new Dark Age averted. The gold
mark could circulate side-by-side with the irredeemable euro and dollar.
Let the people decide whether they want to get paid in crisis-prone
fiat currencies or, perhaps, they prefer the time-honored stability of
the gold coin. It is hardly in doubt what the choice of the people would
The German initiative will set off a chain reaction of similar virtuous
acts by the major central banks of the world, in order to prevent the
fatal depreciation of their currencies against the gold mark. The latter
will be well on its way to become the most coveted currency in the
world for international trade. The financial system will be saved from
the ordeal of competitive currency devaluations and from the corrosive
effect of ever-expanding government deficits. Governments will be forced
to face reality and live responsibly within their means like everyone
else. Farmers will no longer be paid for not farming, and able-bodied
workers for not working. Youth unemployment, in particular, will be a
thing of the past.
There is a precedent. In 1948 Germany defied the occupying force when
it created the Deutsche Mark without bothering to ask for permission in
But is the gold standard not deflation-prone? In the 1930’s the
international gold standard collapsed because of this very fact, did it
As the father of the Deutsche Mark, Wilhelm Röpke (1899-1966) said: it is not the gold standard that failed, but those in whose care it was entrusted.
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