Zubin Damania's debunk



Dr Zubin Damania has made a video responding to a certain video of Dr Christiane Northrup talking about the dangers of the new mRNA vaccines. What is the video he’s responding to? Who knows? He doesn’t show any clips of it or link to it in the show notes. Searching for it online also is a dead end. So whatever was actually said in the video, unfortunately we’re not able to check it out for ourselves. This means that until we know which video it is, we have no way of verifying that what Dr Damania claims was said by Dr Northrup was actually said by her, nor are we able to assess for ourselves whether what she presents sounds sensible or not.

Who is Dr Damania? He is a physician who has set up his own clinic. An online search also reveals that he is a comedian, has a successful YouTube channel and is a musician – therefore quite a well-rounded businessman. In addition it appears that he is in demand as a speaker.

Who is Dr Christiane Northrup? On her website she describes herself as “a visionary pioneer and a leading authority in the field of women’s health and wellness.” She was an assistant clinical professor of OB/GYN for 20 years, and, similarly to Damania, is a business owner, a parent and a speaker. While Damania has displayed his creativity in comedy and music, Northrup has shown hers through writing books. She’s also very much into spiritualism, which, as a Christian, strongly puts me off listening to her.

Damania starts by telling us that when he was first sent the video he thought, “Ok, this is another one of those crazy, conspiracy theories and we should blow it off, and why are we even bothering with this?” But because it has gone viral, to the point that even his producer’s Uber driver brought it up in conversation and used it as a reason to not be vaccinated, he decided it has become such an issue that “we” need to systematically debunk” it. He adds, “even though a basic understanding of high school biology should allow you to critically think your way through this.” So don’t you dare disagree with him, because that would make you as stupid as though you hadn’t even had a high school education.

The first thing that strikes me from this is that Dr Damania has no respect for another doctor. Before even listening to what she says, he admits that he assumes what she says is crazy and stupid and her views should be instantly dismissed. This is an appalling attitude for one medical professional to have towards another.

The following are the claims made by Dr Northrup, according to Dr Damania. Dr Northrup, apparently, is arguing that the covid vaccines are dangerous. Dr Damania claims to easily be able to thoroughly debunk any such claims. So let’s see if he succeeds in doing this.

1. Dr Northup says that the new vaccines will alter human DNA.

Damania’s response is: “Messenger RNA enter the cell, wrapped in a lipid layer. They never get into the nucleus where DNA is. It lives in the cytoplasm, which is the part of the cell outside the nucleus, where it is translated into a spike protein. It teaches the cell to make the coronavirus spike protein. When that protein is made by the cell, the human body then responds to it via its immune system, it creates antibodies and an immune response, which then allows you to attack the real coronavirus’ spike protein when it tries to infect you. What it doesn’t do is incorporate messenger RNA, which is a completely different chemical, into your human DNA. It just simply does not happen. That’s just not how it works at all.”

This is true in so much as it is what Moderna claims here.

But this is worth researching further, because I am not very inclined to trust Moderna’s word.

How does it teach the cell to make the coronavirus protein, if not by recoding the cell and therefore changing the original DNA of the cell?

What happens to the lipid layer, once it’s made the spike protein?

Animal trials have shown that LNPs when injected tend to naturally flow with the bloodstream. No biodistribution studies via radiotracker (e.g. Luciferase) appear to have yet been conducted on human beings with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, but it is likely that –as in animal trials –the LNPs distribute throughout the body. A study published in 2017 analysed the biodistribution of LNPs after intramuscular administration in mice. It found delivery of the LNPs to 17 different compartments of the mice apart from muscle within varying periods of time, including heart, testes, kidney, bone marrow and even the brain.” 1

I haven’t yet managed to find out if Damania’ s claim is true or not, but what I have found is that the LNP used to get the RNA into the body can end up anywhere in the body and is highly toxic, which is dangerous enough to put me off getting this injection.

2. She says this DNA will cause chimers to form.

Damania: “This is where you begin to question: does she actually even understand the word? Because the actual word is chimera. This is an ancient mythological sort of construct where you combine human and animal into a mix.

She starts off by saying she went to Dartmouth and Tuffs a “call to authority” – her credentials. She’s an obstetrician, she’s not an immunologist. This is a classic example of setting up a fake expertise.

We have components of other species within our DNA. The other organisms that live with us make us a chimera to begin with. Even if it did happen, it wouldn’t be a big deal because we are already chimeras.”

So now, as well as being crazy, Dr Northrup is also stupid because she got a word wrong, and on top of that she has the wrong credentials so can’t possibly know anything!

In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with giving your credentials; in fact, it is good to give them. Anybody giving advice or speaking with knowledge on a subject should always explain who they are: what their background, qualifications and experience is.

Notice that he doesn’t actually deny that chimeras could form. He says that if it does happen, it’s no big deal, because we are already chimeras!

There has been so much human-chimera research that a paper has been written with the aim to systematically review the ethical arguments around this research. The authors analyzed 88 articles and found that: “15% of the retrieved passages contained reasons in favor of conducting chimera research, while 85% of the passages contained reasons against it.2

From a Biblical perspective, we know what we are: we are different to the animals (so we are not chimeras), we are uniquely made in the image of God with his breath breathed into us. I also believe that any attempt to mix humans and animals is demonic in origin, part of Satan’s very own conspiracy against humans, as was when his angelic followers took human women and had children with them in Genesis 6, creating a hybrid race of half-humans.

3. The metals and chemicals in the vaccines will create a human antenna that is then susceptible to 5G radiation.

This goes right into these 5G conspiracies around covid that have been debunked and debunked and debunked again. Basically, this is total nonsense. First of all, there may not even be aluminium adjuvants, we don’t know. Even if there were any metals in these vaccines, they’re in such microscopic quantities that your blood iron, which is the biggest metal in your body, wouldn’t you already be an antenna? That just doesn’t make sense.

The biggest question is and what? Why? Who?"

His first defence against this is claiming that it has been debunked so many times! Here he goes again, claiming that it has already been refuted so much so that everyone knows it to be a lie, it is below him to even bother to respond to such total nonsense. Northrup is, of course, crazy, as he’s already said. Notice how this is an ad hominen. More on ad hominens later.

It’s hard to respond to this when I haven’t watched the video in question and 5G is way down my list of topics to research, so I’m going to leave this one because there are far bigger concerns with the covid vaccines than this one.

Pro-vaccine and lockdown fanatic crowds often bring up the question of who, what, why. They can’t believe that there could be a huge, world-wide conspiracy. What does the dictionary say a conspiracy is?

An agreement between a group of people which other people think is wrong or is likely to be harmful. Or: a secret plan or agreement to carry out an illegal or harmful act, esp with political motivation; plot.

Do conspiracies not exist? Is nobody ever plotting to carry out anything illegal or harmful?

Psalm 2:1-3:  

  Why do the nations conspire
    and the peoples plot in vain?
  The kings of the earth rise up
    and the rulers band together
    against the
Lord and against his anointed, saying,
  “Let us break their chains
    and throw off their shackles.”

As for who, what and why, here are a couple of quotes from notable people:

Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881): “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes. The governments of the present day have to deal not merely with other governments, with emperors, kings and ministers, but also with the secret societies which have everywhere their unscrupulous agents, and can at the last moment upset all the governments' plans.”

David Rockefeller (1915 - 2017): “Some even believe we (the Rockefeller family) are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

And: "We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order."

Obviously these men were complete nutters because everybody knows there is no powerful elite in the world conspiring behind the scenes for their own benefit. Such conspiracies only exist in the minds of the mentally deficient.

4. Bill and Melinda Gates have a patent: 060606, that will take the nanoparticles in the vaccine and use them to biometrically monitor you and link them to cryptocurrency.

It just brings all the elements of crazy into one statement! If you look at the actual patent, it’s a patent that links a wearable device, like a Fitbit, to a cryptocurrency payment reward, for encouraging good physical behaviour.”

She’s so crazy, don’t even bother listening to her!” For the third time Damania calls Northrup crazy in order to refute her claim.

Notice how he admits that the technology in question does exist to link to cryptocurrency from a device. A nanoparticle in a Fitbit linked to payments or a nanoparticle from a vaccine linked to payments, what is the difference? The first doesn’t sound at all sinister, if you think it’s a useful technology. The second one does sound sinister, particularly seeing it is inside of you and therefore rather difficult to remove, and particularly if nobody informed you of this before they injected it into you.

A radiotracker, like Luciferase, is used to track what happens to the LNP after injected into the body, this seems to be a normal procedure in the development of these drugs.

Damania: “Luciferase is a component that MIT developed in conjunction with the measles vaccination to tag the skin in use with infared scanners to see if you have been vaccinated or not. But, it has not been approved for covid vaccination and is a complete red herring, which is another thing that the conspiracy guys like to do.”

A red herring, according to the dictionary definition is a piece of information, a suggestion, or an action that is irrelevant and, often deliberately, is taking people's attention away from the main subject or problem that they should be considering. So, let’s consider what Dr Zamania is saying. There is a technology that tags the skin of people who have had the measles vaccination, and it is possible to see if they have been vaccinated or not by scanning them with infared scanners. So again, he doesn’t deny that the technology exists: a mark on a person to identify if they have been vaccinated, which could in theory be used as a vaccine “passport”. He claims that this has not been approved for covid vaccination. Whether it has or not, how is this a red herring? The subject that we are considering is: are the covid vaccinations safe? And: will they be used for nefarious purposes, such as to monitor and control us with vaccine passports? A measles vaccination skin tag is very relevant. If this is being done for measles, why not do it for covid as well?

We who love freedom and are opposed to mandatory vaccines and vaccine passports are very concerned that research is being done to tag people on their skin to see if they have been vaccinated or not. ~The next step on from this is to prevent people from buying or selling if they haven’t received a certain jab.

We have Dr Christiane Northrup who is a fake expert, a known anti-vax person, being interviewed by an anti-vaxer. She’s not an immunologist, she’s not an expert, and being on the Dr Oz show does not qualify you to do anything other than be a quack, which is 100% qualifies you to do.”

“She’s crazy and she knows nothing.” Damania says. Again, he is attacking her character and her credentials, rather than giving evidence as to why her claims are wrong.

The reason this matters, the reason you should help us combat misinformation is that the latest data on the Moderna vaccine just came out: 95% efficacy. Of the 95 people that got sick with coronavirus in the study population (this is a big study), 90 of them were in the placebo group that did not get the vaccination. And of the people who got very sick from coronavirus, all of them were in the placebo group. So that vaccine is looking to show a very strong efficacy signal without major safety concerns.”

These statements from Damania raise several questions. First of all: if it is a big study, how big is it? And only “95 people” got the virus. He probably means the 95% efficacy claimed by the Moderna maufacturers.3

In the Moderna trials, 30,351 participated and only 196 of them managed to pick up the virus. That's 0.65% of the people in the trial went on to catch the virus. This shows that the overall chance of actually contracting the virus is pretty low, vaccinated or not.

That’s huge! That means we may be reaching a finish line for this pandemic...”

So, there is a pandemic raging out of control, a virus so dangerous that your chance of getting it is something like 0.65 percent. The next question to ask is: out of those 196 that did contract it, how many of them recovered? How many of them died? Estimates of the infection fatality rate vary, but across 32 different locations, the median infection fatality rate was 0.27%. 4 So we could say that those 196 had a 0.27% chance of dying. That very low risk of dying from covid needs to be put against the risks of the vaccines themselves.

...but if we start listening to (I’m not going to use the word ‘crazy’ because it’s an ad homenom)...”

Definition of ad homenon: 1. directed against a person rather than against his or her arguments

2. based on or appealing to emotion rather than reason.

No, you don’t need to say crazy, Dr Damania, because you’ve already said it multiple times in this video! You are accusing Dr Northrup of the very thing you have been continuously doing. Do you think your listeners are too stupid to notice? Or have you lost your grasp on truth to such a degree that you don’t even notice your own hypocrisy?

...people who are misrepresenting science and trying to sow doubt based on other agendas like selling books, I think we’re in big trouble.”

Ahhhh… so the reason they are claiming that the vaccines are dangerous is because they are trying to sell books. Hmm…. Then how do you explain the people who have been sacked for questioning the vaccines? Is their motivation to make money?

Please become a supporter of the show if you want to keep us independent, it’s 4.99 a month, or a one time Paypal donation keeps us humming, without needing to be sponsered by anybody. By the way, not a dime from Big Pharma or vaccine makers, okay?”

And in the next breath he asks for money.

Dr Damania’s attempt to “debunk” Dr Northrups claims is to mostly use ad homenoms against her. He has certainly not succeeded in persuading me that the covid vaccines are safe.


For further reading here is a recent (April 15th, 2021) article on developments in chimera research:


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