Marriage Equality

If you were or are a gay couple, would/do you really want to be the same as a heterosexual couple?  Aren't you different, and don't you want to be different?  Aren't you proud of being different?  Why then press for marriage, when you can have a civil union and be different?  Do you need to have marriage to be equal with heterosexuals, when you already have the same legal rights through a civil union?

Why are gay extremists really pushing for legal same-sex "marriage"?  Is it really so they can live happily ever after with their same-sex soul mate?

Of course not.  And here, Russian journalist Masha Gessen explains it all clearly for us:

"Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie. The institution of marriage is going to change and it should change, and again I don't think it should exist."

Finally, the truth!  A gay activist admits that they are lying, and she admits what their real agenda is.

But the world's media is intent on promoting the false and untruthful message that it is to do with their need for equality.

I received an email from YouTube today which said:  "We believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved so we're celebrating how the LGBT community connects and thrives on YouTube."

Does everyone have the right to love and be loved?  Platonically, perhaps (although even this seems a bit dodgy - should you have the right to prosecute somebody for not loving you?)  But what YouTube really means is that they think everyone has the right to have sex with whoever they want to, and to receive sex from whoever they want to.  But is this true?  An adult does not have the right to have sexual love from a child.  A man does not have the right to sexual love from a woman who doesn't want to give it to him.  A person does not have the right to have sexual love from a family member.  A human does not have the right to have sexual love from an animal.  A person does not have the right to have sex with another person who is not willing.  And so on.    And they seem to have forgotten that sex is not love.  Sex can be loving but it is not the definition of love.

What is the definition of love?

A God who made people so he could have a relationship with them.  A God whose people rebelled against him.  A God who, instead of killing the people he made took their punishment on himself.  A God who allowed the people that he had made to kill him.  A God who forgives us for our rebellion and murder, if we just believe in him. 


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